All contractors, vendors, and service providers arriving on to Washington Square premises to conduct work or provide services, are required to have proof of insurance prior to arrival. Insurance is necessary to cover any claims or losses for which the contractor/vendor may be responsible for. Residents should request a Certificate of Insurance from their contractor or vendor prior to contractors arriving at Washington Square Towers.
***A Certificate of Insurance is a standard form issued by the insurance company evidencing the insurance information (including policy limits and types of insurance) of its policyholder.
The following minimum insurance standards shall apply to all vendors performing, selling, or distributing products and services at Washington Square Towers 1 & 2:

- -Certificate of insurance must contain a minimum of $1,000,000 in general liability and worker’s compensation/WA STOP GAP coverage.
- -Certification of insurance must reflect Washington Square as the certificate holder and additional insured as follows:
- Washington Square Towers One & Two Condominium
10650 NE 9th Place
Bellevue, WA 98004
- Washington Square Towers One & Two Condominium
***Vendors and contractors shall name Washington Square Towers 1 & 2 as an additional insured on its general liability insurance policy as it pertains to the work is done/service provided/product delivered to the premises and shall provide a 30-day notice of cancellation or non-renewal of coverage to Washington Square. Such insurance must be primary as to any other valid and collectible insurance.
Renewal certificates of insurance shall be provided annually until all work is completed.
Please contact the property directly at [email protected] or (425) 462-4747 with any questions.